"Within small pine cones, lies the power to split rocks."
~ History of Sanford School (1970)
Like the pine cone, legacy gifts have tremendous power and leave a profound impact on the future of Sanford.
Include the school in your estate plans and join our esteemed Evergreen Society. This group was established to recognize those who are helping to secure Sanford's legacy with a planned gift. Legacy gifts range from small bequests to large gifts that are transformational.
Unless you note a restriction, all legacy gifts are placed in Sanford's unrestricted endowed fund. The income it helps generate will provide perennial financial support to the school and be used where most needed. 
Consult your lawyer or financial advisor about the type of legacy gift that’s right for you and the potential tax benefits to you or your heirs. 
Contact Jody Cross to have a conversation regarding restrictions to your gift.
"I have included Sanford School in my estate planning as a way of giving back and honoring its mission, No Talent Lies Latent. I can think of no better place for students to learn and grow. It is an honor to be a part of ensuring [Sanford's] future sustainability."
~ Kristi Kerins, former Head of School and Evergreen Society member 
"My husband and I decided that it would be appropriate to include a gift to Sanford in our estate planning.... It is our small way of saying thank you to a place that has meant so much to me both professionally and personally for more than 25 years. It is fitting to leave something to family in one's will, and Sanford is a part of my family."
~Christine Yasik, former Sanford faculty and Evergreen Society member
"From K to 12th grade, teachers and staff shaped my confidence and values - empathy, integrity, accountability, and leadership - and built my critical and systematic thinking skills. These skills, my confidence and values have allowed me to be intellectually curious my whole life. It is important to ensure the campus experience, teachers, staff and programs are available for generations to come."
~ Pattie Morgan Clarke Miller '82, Evergreen Society member 

"Planned giving is a way to give back to Sanford in honor of Sanford's history in giving scholarship assistance to so many children. I included Sanford as one of my beneficiaries because I'm grateful for the opportunity Sanford gave me with scholarship assistance and I want to see Sanford continue to be able to offer assistance, and for children to experience first-hand the core values that Sanford teaches, such as independence, self-reliance, and self-advocacy skills."
~ Mo Reardon '68, Evergreen Society member 

In 1930, Ellen Sawin founded a school where No Talent Lies Latent. The first 7 children attended school in Sanford Hall (shown above). Today, Sanford boasts hundreds of successful alumni and 687 current students who attend classes in multiple buildings on our beautiful campus.

List of 1 items.

  • Questions?

    Please contact
    Jody Cross
    Associate Director of Development

Did You Know?

Sanford School is a charitable 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Planned gifts may be deductible for estate tax purposes, which means that your gift to Sanford will reduce the taxable portion of your estate and decrease federal estate tax liability, while the School will benefit from the full amount of your bequest. Contact your financial advisor or lawyer today to find out how planned gifts can benefit you or your heirs.
Our tax ID is 51-0064331.

Types of Legacy Gifts

List of 2 items.

  • Bequest

    Consider leaving a bequest to Sanford School in your will. Talk to your attorney or financial advisor about leaving Sanford School a specific dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your estate.

  • Donor Advised Fund

    Talk to your attorney or financial advisor about establishing Sanford School as your Donor Advised Fund successor. Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are a type of charitable giving vehicle. A giving account is established and administered by a public charity such as the Delaware Community Foundation or Fidelity Charitable, etc. Your donation is invested and grows until you decide which IRS-qualified charities to award it to. Sanford is an IRS-qualified charity and can receive DAF grants, or be included as part of the succession plan for your Donor Advised Fund.

List of 2 items.

  • Life Insurance Beneficiary

    Talk to your attorney or financial advisor about naming Sanford School as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy. Sanford can be listed as a full, partial, alternate, or contingent beneficiary.

  • Retirement Account Beneficiary

    Talk to your attorney or financial advisor about naming Sanford School as a beneficiary on one or more of your retirement account(s), including an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b). Sanford can be listed as a full, partial, alternate, or contingent beneficiary.

List of 2 items.

  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    Talk to your attorney or financial advisor about the advantages of setting up a charitable remainder trust; an irrevocable trust that generates a potential income stream for you or your beneficiaries, with the remainder going to your favorite charity. At the end of the specified term of the trust, the remaining trust assets are distributed to the charitable beneficiaries you have designated, such as Sanford.
  • Charitable Lead Trust

    Talk to your attorney or financial advisor about the advantages of setting up a charitable lead trust with Sanford School as the beneficiary. Charitable Lead Trust refers to an irrevocable trust designed to provide financial support to one or more charities, such as Sanford, for a set period of time, with the remaining assets eventually going to your family members or other non-charitable beneficiaries.

Join The Evergreen Society

At Sanford, we appreciate the profound impact that legacy gifts can have. By including Sanford in your estate plans and letting us know, you become part of the Evergreen Society, joining a community of esteemed alumni, former faculty, and dedicated board members who share in our commitment to sustain Sanford for generations to come.

Planned gifts represent a deeply personal choice, and we appreciate your thoughtful consideration. If you're interested in learning more about legacy gifts to Sanford School, please reach out to Associate Director of Development, Jody Cross. Your support could play a pivotal role in securing Sanford's future.

Honor, Transform, Sustain

*Richard Ayers '50
*Frank Bailey '57
Carol and Otis Brown '58
*Frank Delle Donne
*Elisabeth Harrington Deveraux '39
*Evelyn Dew
Linda Dulin '68
Jean Jewett Fawcett '47
Nina Fogwell 
Jerry Gebhard '65
Chris and Susan Grundner
*Susan M. Lynch Henry '44
*Joan Homan '54
Kristi Kerins
*Marnie Sawin Langerak '43
*Kendrick Lee, Jr. '56
John and *Linda Poloncic McGuin
*Jennifer McKay
Patricia Morgan Clarke Miller '82
*Claire Olsen
*Jacquelin Pitts '55
Mo Reardon '68
*Nancy Sawin 
*William Sawin '45
*William Shaw, Jr. '50
*John Squires '67
*Katharine "Wendy" Townsend Swift '46
Christine and John Yasik
*Indicates that the member is deceased.


Sanford School
6900 Lancaster Pike
Hockessin, DE 19707

Phone: 302.235.6500
Email: development@sanfordschool.org
Sanford's Tax ID: 51-0064331

Do you need help?

If you have questions or need help using the site, send an email to webhelp@sanfordschool.org.