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Sanford School is committed to creating a community where every student can show up and belong as their authentic self.

We fully honor the diversity of students, and it is our goal to ingrain equity and inclusion in the fabric of our school through representation, curriculum, policy, and culture. 

Our Diversity Statement: 
The Sanford community embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion to create an environment of belonging. This work is never complete, and we continue to listen, learn, engage, and act.

Our Vision

To work tirelessly to maintain a strong, diverse student population; improve representation; equip faculty to appropriately engage with students on diversity, equity, and inclusion topics; and prepare students to be beacons of positive change for the world they will inherit.

Our Commitment

We will help develop our students' appreciation for diverse perspectives and cultures by:
  • Recruiting and retaining outstanding educators and administrators who reflect the diverse world in which we live
  • Providing curriculum, programming, faculty training, and community outreach that demonstrate our commitment to diversity, cultural competency, and global inclusion
  • Ensuring Sanford's policies and handbooks capture the spirit of our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Cultivating a diverse and inclusive environment that respects, embraces, and supports not only the common beliefs we share, but also recognizes, engages, and values our unique differences and perspectives. 

Working Together

Students, faculty, and staff are dedicated to creating an equitable, inclusive, nurturing community that celebrates and respects each person's unique talents and differences.
We are committed to creating spaces where students and faculty can be their true selves, celebrate differences, explore their identities, and strive for authentic belonging.

Sanford supports and encourages students and faculty to form affinity and alliance groups that allow individuals who share an identifier to openly express themselves and hold space for one another. Current groups include: 
  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Asian Pacific Islander South Asian (APISA) Affinity
  • Sanford International Student Association (SISA)
  • Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
  • White Anti-Racist Educators (WARE) Group
Sanford's professional development largely focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion, mindfulness, and identity in order to help faculty and staff explore implicit biases, incorporate identity into the curriculum, and view situations through a clearer lens. This deep, ongoing work includes:
  • Regularly scheduled workshops, symposiums, and panel discussions
  • Conference attendance (ADVIS DEI Conference, People of Color Conference, The Race Institute, and more)
  • Leadership training specific to diversity, equity, and inclusion 
  • All-school and division-specific learning initiatives focused on a central DEI theme 
  • DEI-specific summer reading.
From curriculum adjustments to student engagement opportunities, Sanford faculty continuously work to translate their own learning into the classroom. Recent initiatives include:
  • Diversifying classroom libraries 
  • DEI speaker assemblies 
  • DEI-specific advisory programming 
  • Student-generated projects and presentations 
  • Ensuring diverse representation in curricular materials.
Have a question about diversity and inclusion at Sanford? Email us to start the conversation.

Meet our Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Jamy Haughey

    Jamy Haughey 

    Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Head of School Mark Anderson

At Sanford, members of our community are encouraged to be themselves in all ways. The differences we share make our school richer and more interesting. For many years we have welcomed students, teachers, and parents from diverse backgrounds. We foster, respect, and celebrate the differences and experiences of all people. Not only is this our story, it is who we are.

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